BirdWeb: Birds Connect Seattle's Guide to the Birds of Washington State

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feathers Birds Accounts of Washington's bird species with images, maps, and sounds.
map Birding Sites and Ecoregions Washington's ecoregions and favorite birding sites in each.

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wing Species of Special Concern Washington bird species listed by state and federal agencies and by Audubon.
binoculars Birding Resources Birding organizations and events in Washington and other useful references.

  Bird of the Week  

Bird of the week image

Snowy Owl

Bubo scandiacus

The winter of 2011-2012 is shaping up to be an "irruption" year for Snowy Owls. Influenced by the cyclical lemmings populations in their Arctic breeding grounds, Snowy Owls will periodically winter further south than normal in search of food. This winter, one was even seen in Hawaii!

  Birding Site of the Week  

Birding Site of the week image

Blaine/Semiahmoo/Drayton Harbor

Puget Trough

Located just south of the Canadian border, this sheltered bay is framed by Blaine to the east and Semiahmoo Spit to the west, and is one of the premier winter birding sites in Washington. Expect to find three loon species, four or five grebe species, and a staggering number of waterfowl including scoters, goldeneyes, and Harlequin and Long-tailed Ducks.

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birders with binoculars

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Birds Connect Seattle